On Wed, 2008-09-03 at 14:13 +1200, Michael Hutchinson wrote:
> Check out http://wiki.apache.org/spamassassin/WritingRules for writing
> custom rules. I learnt how to do it from that page, and then by looking
> at how everyone else makes rules (check out the ones that already come
> with Spamassassin - and go about understanding them)
> If you're on a linux box with the Perl manuals installed, you can get an
> idea about regular expressions from "man perlre". Takes a little while
> for regular expressions to sink in, but you've got to start somewhere.
> It may also help to understand Perl itself a little better... I bought a
> book to do that :) 

Thanks Michael,

I'm pretty familiar with Perl. However writing a rule for noreply@
wasn't where I wanted to go given that it's too simplistic a pattern and
prone to false positives with automated systems that use [EMAIL PROTECTED] Given
the IPs only produce this stuff it seemed smarter to just block them. W

What intrigues me is who these guys are and how/why they're flying under
the anti-spam radar.


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