Tomasz Chmielewski wrote:
I have a mail setup, where the SMTP server (Postfix) is running on a
machine with a public IP address, and amavisd-new and spamassassin are
running on a "filter" server in a private LAN.
Just a quick observation - does the machine on the private lan have
Internet access to perform the DNSBL lookups or can it only see the
postfix mail gateway. The amavisd-new/SA box must be able to access the
Internet to perform any tests that need Internet access.
Basically, "mail" server receives mail via SMTP, and the mails are
checked on another machine.
I think DnsBlocklists tests are not working, i.e. if I connect and send
an email via telnet from my home ADSL address (which is listed on
Spamhaus' PBL), I don't see the mail gets any extra points.
What should I correct in my configuration? According to, I should "make sure
that SpamAssassin is resolving the gateway to its external address".
What does it mean?