Am/On Tue, 21 Oct 2008 00:31:16 +0200 schrieb/wrote Kai Schaetzl:

>Matthias Schmidt wrote on Mon, 20 Oct 2008 23:51:33 +0900:
>> sorry for asking, but recently I got some really inappropriate mails
>> from some list members.
>> Is this normal on this list? Has the style of this list changed recently
>> without "normal" members being notified?
>> Obviously some people don't get the sense of sending CCs to posters nor
>> do they understand how a mailing list works.
>I don't know if you wanted to get cc'ed or not cc'ed (your wording isn't
>really clear about that), but the normal policy on mailing lists is to not
>cc if that wasn't clear.

I'm sorry, if my first post wasn't really clear in that matter.

I don't think so. To send CCs is normal on most of the technical lists
I'm subscribed to.
Actually this doesn't matter to me and I didn't wanted to discuss that issue.
These things are decided by the admins and I try to adapt to each list
and it's style as good as possible and if I don't like it, I don't subscribe.

What I do mind is getting mails in yelling style or threads like if you
do this or that I DOS you.
And that was the point I meant with style of this list.
So I hope I could make myself a little bit more clear.
Thanks and all the best


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