On Tue, 28 Oct 2008, Koopmann, Jan-Peter wrote:

Spamers are using MY <linux4michelle> E-Mail spaming
russian servers and now Ihave gotten nearly
200.000  backscatters  which  make  my  account unusable
specialy for my customers and peoples which
urgently  need  my help without passing over mailinglists...

So you do deliver the backscatter? Why don't you filter them? There are
several ways to do this. MailScanner, BarricadeMX, milters... You might
not get rid of receiving them (at least partly) at MTA level but you
definitely can make sure those backscatters never reach your inbox...

If I've been following this thread correctly, linux4michelle has already stated he/she receives messages from their ISP. Therefore, rejecting at the SMTP level will ultimately cause the ISP to be a source of backscatter (i.e. not receiving messages directly), which he/she can not reject.

This conclustion was gathered based on content of the last response which was:

  "My IntranetServer is downloading the messages fine, it is only, because
   I do not like unwanted CC's in my public E-Mail..."


  "Hmmm I will ask my Hosting-Provider to install a filter which reject
   ANY messages CC'ed to me..."

That tells me he/she does not have direct access to rejecting messages at SMTP time.

Therefore, linux4michelle has no "real" control over SMTP level filtering.,

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