Kai Schaetzl wrote:
> Greg Troxel wrote on Thu, 30 Oct 2008 08:53:17 -0400:
>> So I wonder if domains with no
>> vowels are normal in Germany
> no.
Regardless, they're common enough that the S/O for the rule was sucking
really bad on recent ruleQA's. (FROM_DOMAIN_NOVOWEL was posting S/O's of
0.65.. can you say, absurdly lousy rule?)

The rules have been modified to be less FP prone, and they've had their
scores badly neutered. This is published on sa-update now.

See also:

>> (they are not normal in the US).
> Easy:
> Remote Sensing Solutions GmbH ->
> Remote Sensing Solutions Ltd ->
> rssltd.com
Bah, asking people to change their domain is silly. Particularly when
GmbH is a perfectly normal way to identify a corporate entity in
Germany, and it's certainly no less valid than LTD. If there was
something wildly abnormal and clearly spam-like about it, that would be
one thing, but RSS GmbH is not in any way a "wildly abnormal" company name.

Also, the combined score of these rules tended to violate some basic
principles of SA anyway. (ie: tagging a message as spam simply because
the domain name contains 7 consonants, with no other spam like
attributes, is silly)

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