Kelson wrote:
Per Jessen wrote:
I guess it's a matter of opinion, but an email address is a significant
part of a corporate identity - you don't go around changing it ad-hoc,
and you certainly try to avoid having one domain in your email-address
and another on your brochures and businesscards.

Exactly. That sort of thing would train users to expect your company's email to come from multiple and/or unfamiliar domains, such that they will be less likely to notice phishing attempts that claim to be your company but come from other domains.

<devil advocate=yes>

- how many users would see the address part in

From: joe at rssgmbh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

- and regarding phishing, those users who "will be less likely to notice" will never notice anyway, whatever you do.

- if your marketers decide to use instead of, don't come crying that it is blocked because it contains "porn".

I do understand the trademark/name/identity/IP/... issues, and I do understand that OP should not be forced to play such games, but if he has no other way to get his mail delivered to his recipients, then he can ask his boss/mgmt/mktg/president/... whether it's acceptable to play these games in order to get mail out.

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