Sahil Tandon wrote:
Matthias Leisi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

mouss schrieb:

reject_backscatter =
Which will very likely result in a lot of false positives.
an FP here would mostly be: a bounce from a 3d party that is listed on do you get a lot of such mail?
No, an FP is an FP. lists a lot of perfectly valid
mailservers, and outright blocking at the MTA with that list is a bad idea.

The above statement is true but does not address the context in which
mouss suggests using the blacklist.  If you are checking IPs against the
list *only* for bounces, the chances of FPs is immensely decreased.  He
never suggested checking *all* connecting IPs against that list.

Matthias has apparently missed the check_sender_access part. if not, I am curious to learn about these "lot of false positives". I don't see enough "wanted" bounces, so my view is obviously partial/biased.

Note that I am not saying the checks are safe. there will be FPs. so the checks should only be enabled in case of a bs storm, if ever (should have said so before. sorry for that).

PS. I personally don't use these checks at this time. not because of FPs, but because most bs I get is to "forwarded" addresses, when it's too late to reject.

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