On Mon, 1 Dec 2008, SM wrote:
At 23:01 30-11-2008, Dan Mahoney, System Admin wrote:
So then, you're saying the behavior for ipv4 and ipv6 is somehow different?
If you start spamd without specifying the IP addresses to listen on, spamd
will listen on the IP address only.
And on an ip6 enabled system, where will "spamc localhost" try to connect
to first? or ::1?
You should have the IO::Socket::INET6 and Socket6 Perl modules installed to
have IPv6 support in spamd.
I have both modules present:
quark# perl -e 'use IO::Socket::INET6'
quark# perl -e 'use Socket6'
You can start spamd as follows:
spamd -i 2001:DB8:1:1::1
Yes, but there's no way to listen on *both* addresses -- however, it's
completely possible to listen on all ip4 addresses -- I'm just looking for
a switch that will say "all ip4 AND all ip6".
Also, would be useful if I could specify to listen on "::" or "[::]"
(neither worked when I tried it.) Again, consistent behavior between v4
and v6 is what I'm looking for.
spamd only allows connections from 127:0.0.1. You can allow connections from
other IP addresses with the -A parameter. You may have to patch
Mail::SpamAssassin::NetSet. See
Additionally, even when I get this working, I am unable to specify ipv6
addresses to -A, either with or without square brackets.
That part of the code is IPv4 specific.
Listening on v6 is pointless if I can't restrict. Is the correct answer
"open another bug?" Or from these commit messages, should I simply assume
the next 3.3 will have these (I see jm's note that the patches shouldn't
cleanly apply to 3.2.x.)?
As stated, I've fixed this (for now) by changing my "spamc" args to have
the v4 address.
"Your future hasn't been written yet; no one's has. So make it a good
-"Doc" Emmet L. Browne, Back to the Future III
--------Dan Mahoney--------
Techie, Sysadmin, WebGeek
Gushi on efnet/undernet IRC
ICQ: 13735144 AIM: LarpGM
Site: http://www.gushi.org