I've been reading threads saying that whitelist_from is spoofable and
that I should be using whitelist_from_rcvd instead, so I checked the
three whitelist entries I use to whitelist_from_rcvd. Here is an

whitelist_from_rcvd [EMAIL PROTECTED]

However, I'm getting them rejected with the message:

config: SpamAssassin failed to parse line, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" is not valid
for "whitelist_from_rcvd", skipping: whitelist_from_rcvd [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Two specify the sender as [EMAIL PROTECTED] format and the third is a full
name like [EMAIL PROTECTED] - these were acceptable as arguments for
whitelist_from. I can't find anything in the wiki or on the SA website
that shows the valid arguments for whitelist_from_rcvd, so what am I
doing wrong?


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