On Wed, Jan 07, 2009 at 04:46:44PM +0100, Florian Lagg wrote:
> So - if possible - I want spamassassign to:
> 1. Request the links in the mail body and check them for http-error 302 or
> meta redirects
> 2. Check the links we got by doing this against some DNSBL's
> Is this possible? Is there a reason why we shouldn't do this?

Possible?  Sure.
Should?  Not unless you want to turn your (and anyone else running that code's)
machine into a DDoS client.

In other words, while it's possible to shoot yourself in the face, it's really
not a good idea to do so.

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"Where are all the great pot head writers?  There aren't any.  Because no
 one wants to read a book about the most delicious twinkie."
                         - Dave Attell, Insomniac, New York City, 2001

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