
Spamassassin 3.2 works very good for me. Now I want to write a plugin in
Perl that will be executed by spamassassin after each email is processed.
This script would have to know <sender address>, <sender ip>, and <score
assigned by SA>. Is it possible?

Many mail packages have built in SA support. What are you using?
(apologies if this has been stated I missed the start of this thread)
Amavis, Qmail and even some widoze mail app's have options.

sendmail + spamassassin milter (written by Georg C. F. et al)
everything works great so far,
except I need to save the spamassassin results (score+sender) and do this
synchronously, right after the score is calculated.
I'd even write a plugin for spamassassin but I don't see where to start and I'm not sure
if the plugin api would allow me to do what I want.

Also spamc (I think) may be worth a look - mine has all this built in
so I get to manually trawl marked spam for fp/fn and adjust
accordingly, such fun. The plus side is that an SA hit auto greylists
and a clam hit auto blacklists (for defined periods).

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