On 23.01.09 07:56, Dennis Hardy wrote:
> Hi, I'm getting hammered by snowshoe spam :-(  I've added rules to try to
> catch common formats of included URLs in the spam, but I'm wary of scoring
> these rules too high because of the potential for false positives.  It's
> hard to come up with other rules as the spam e-mail content is so generic. 
> By default these spams score incredibly low (bayes, etc.)  In many cases,
> the low bayes values are scoring negative, which completely offsets the few
> positive scoring rules that I have added.

train bayes properly, it's the first thing you should do for such mail.

> Are there other RBLs or domain checks or something that could be used to
> possibly get more indication that a spam is a snowshoe spam from a "bogus"
> domain?  I've also added a meta rule that combines URIBL_BLACK, DCC_CHECK,
> and my rules...but spam still gets by many times because it scores so
> low/negative otherwise.  Maybe I just need to score everything higher...?

why are those scores low? What gives them negative score?
those rules have quite high score...

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uh...@fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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