RobertH wrote:
> how many legitimate emails a day do you people get with the work Nigeria in
> it?
Daily, not really.

But often enough in email news feeds.

 i.e.  I got one within the last 24 hours.. Remember the rebels
threatening oil supplies in Nigeria 4 months ago? Yeah, they called off
their ceasefire and it's hit the news wires. google news for "nigeria"
and see what has been poping up over there lately.

There's also the occasional mention of hacker activity in that region on
a network security list. Not incredibly common, but it comes up.

And of course, spam related discussions, although those don't entirely
> yeah, that is what i thought.   :-)
I doubt that's what you expected. But I bet your email feed looks
nothing like mine. It's very hard to look at your own inbox and be able
to forecast what other people tend to be getting, that's why we've got
mass-checks in SA :)

> when i get an nigerian email scam email that hits squat, well you get the
> idea.
Yeah, but there are a lot better things to hit on than a single word.
I'm sorry, but such over simplified rules are contrary to the entire
design of SpamAssassin.

If you want to do it on your own server, knock your socks of. But I'll
vote -1 on any proposal to put such a rule in the mainstream ruleset.
(And I am on the PMC).

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