On Sunday, February 8, 2009, 2:02:56 PM, Karsten Bräckelmann wrote:
> Just got this in an actual replica watch spam.

>   This spam was sent using an innocent third party as the fake sender address
>   who will pick up bounces and misdirected spam complaints. It went out via a
>   third party host (broadband host in the USA), i.e. stealing someone else's
>   service. It was sent to addresses harvested off websites at random to people
>   who have no interest whatsoever in fake watches, stealing their time.

>   Whoever is sending this spam has no regard for other people whatsoever.

> It was good for a laugh, really. :)  Until a strange feeling crept over
> me, realizing the words...

> Confirmed. That paragraph *severely* affected Bayes for me. No Bayes
> training with that mail up to that point, results reproducible.

> BAYES_99  probability 1.0000    WITHOUT that text
> BAYES_50  probability 0.5905    with that poisonous snippet

Perhaps helping get the first message through was the desired
effect?  I get the impression that getting the first one through
successfully is a major goal.  It seems they expect the later ones
to get blocked.


Jeff C.

P.S.  Gotta tell Joe about the reference.  :)
Jeff Chan

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