On Wed, 2009-02-18 at 14:14 +0100, Matus UHLAR - fantomas wrote:
> > I would expect that a list devoted to making the Internet mail system
> > run to everyone's benefit rather than to everyone's detriment would be
> > operated in a more professional manner!
> > 
> > Is anyone minding the store ????

Michael, it's American slang for "isn't there someone here responsible
for keeping things in order?".  Sorry if it didn't communicate.  It's
understandable to have lusers on a list (I admin several so I do know)
and even understandable, although regrettable, that there are MTAs and
MTA admins out there who don't understand RFCs 822 and 2822, what got
under my skin was writing to the list owner of this list and having
_that_ bounce.  Oh well....

> I was receiving similar messages until I blocked their source (and sent
> postmaster a nice mail). They were related to SPF. I'm rejecting much mail
> at smtp level so I can't confim if I there were such attempts unless you'll
> tell me who's sending it...  

The problem address on the list is j...@redux.org.uk.  The From header
on the bounces is mailer-dae...@linda.intranet which is obviously bogus,
likewise violating RFCs.  The envelope sender on the bounces is "<>",
which is correct.

Lindsay Haisley       | "Everything works    |    Accredited
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