On 23.03.09 21:58, dsh979 wrote:
> I did not realise that items listed on the white list or the black list
> would still be subject to the operation/analysis of the SpamAssassin Rules.  

all rules are processed unless you play with ShortCircuit plugin. Beware of
that: It may render the SA useless if you don't knwo what you are doing.

> You have asked why I have set the required score the 100.  Lengthy
> explanation (sorry).  I have done this to prevent SpamAssassin from
> inserting SpamWarnings into the header/body of the relevant email.

There's report_safe option to configure that.

> In responding to spam I rely on the SpamAssassin Score in conjunction with
> other "email message indicators"), and incorporate these variables into a
> domain level filter (cPanel).

cpanel? In such case you apparently should direct your questions to cpanel
support (forum/list).

> Mail is then bounced (by the filter) without
> any warning in the bounced email itself, that it has been bounced because it
> has been identified as spam.  In fact, the bounced email will have a message
> inserted to the effect that there is no such user/receipient.  In this way,
> if there is a sender who receives the bounced email, hopefully they take me
> off their mailing list, instead of looking for a way to 'outsmart' the
> SpamRules.

bouncing sucks, bouncing spam is dangerous, since most of spam has false
return address so you are bouncing to innocent third party (which may cause
blogkinc your outgoing mail on blacklists). Reject unwanted the mail when it
comes, don't bounce, especially when you are sure it's spam

> Q:How can I list items/users on a "white list" or a "black list" without the
> lists (and items) being the subject of further analysis by the SpamAssassin
> Rules (and therefore obtaining the same score for each item on the relevant
> list, irrespective of the operation of the SpamAssassin Rules, that is
> -100=white list items & +100 = black list items)?

I somehow do not understand this question.
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