On Mon, 23 Mar 2009, dsh979 wrote:

Q:How can I list items/users on a "white list" or a "black list" without the lists (and items) being the subject of further analysis by the SpamAssassin Rules

That has to be done outside SA. Basically (modulo shortcuts, which you shouldn't be playing with) SA always checks all rules against every message it processes.

If you want a hard whitelist or blacklist, then whatever is passing the messages from your MTA to SA for scoring (the glue layer) needs to implement that capability, and not give those messages to SA in the first place.

As others have said, _do not_ bounce (i.e. accept and then later send a failure-to-deliver message to the sender) spams. It is a given that spam is sent with a forged From address. If you bounce spams in this way, you're simply attacking some innocent third party - and this may result in _your_ MTA getting blacklisted.

If you want a hard blacklist, check the sender in your MTA _during SMTP_ and reject the message rather than accepting it. The typical way to do this is by configuring your MTA to check DNS blacklists, such as zen.spamhaus.org, and to add MTA rules rejecting specific senders or IP addresses.

Also: your MTA should not be accepting messages for invalid addresses. Those need to be rejected during the SMTP phase.

These particular questions are better directed at the cpanel list, as you're asking "how do I reject emails with specific from_address, to_address or sender_IP during SMTP time?" and "how do I skip SA for specific from_address, to_address, sender_IP?"

Best of luck.

 John Hardin KA7OHZ                    http://www.impsec.org/~jhardin/
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  Liberals love sex ed because it teaches kids to be safe around their
  sex organs. Conservatives love gun education because it teaches kids
  to be safe around guns. However, both believe that the other's
  education goals lead to dangers too terrible to contemplate.
 62 days since Obama's inauguration and still no unicorn!

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