SM wrote:
> Are you upset because people are paying money to a site with a domain
> owner hidden by the Whois privacy registration? :-)  Some antispam
> offers are big and easy money as there's always somebody ready to pay
> or to jump on the bandwagon because it is free.

I don't understand your last sentence above. It seems to make no sense.
But, regardless, I have been given both legal council and business
advice (each coming from different perspectives) that I should make no
further public comments regarding the operation of BRBL and, at least not on a forum as public as the SA list.

EXCEPT TO STATE: Who knows much of anything for absolute certain about
this situation? For example, it is entirely within the realm of
possibility that is a separate non-commercial and
non-profit organization (as the ".org" seems to imply?). And maybe really is a separate entity from Barracuda (as the
Barracuda's BRBL removal page seems to imply?). Some may ask, how could
that be? Simple. Barracuda may have simply donated the address space
and/or web hosting to the organization. Simple as that!.
And that (alone!) would be enough to explain the web site
being hosted in Barracuda address space.

AND EXCEPT TO ASK: Is that $20 fee a one-time fee? Or a yearly fee? Or,
does it have any kind of expiration date?

Beyond this statement and question, I'll leave it to others to do their
own research and draw their own conclusions.

Rob McEwen
+1 (478) 475-9032

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