jp wrote:

We've seen some of it with our webmail too.

When one of your users gives out their password and you notice their account being abused, lookin the message headers or apache logs to see where the perp is. We've seen them mostly to be from Africa, Nigeria probably. I've taken to blocking their /16 on our webmail server, and after a dozen or so IP ranges added, it's stopped. The have a lot of time on their hands and phish so they can spam. Who knows what else they do with data collected from the naieve.

If your webmail runs on Apache, you could block entire countries using mod_defensible. Here's an example config that would disallow requests from China and Nigeria:

DnsblUse On

Unfortunately, I don't have that luxury as I work for a University that has staff and students all over the World.

You could also use rbls like if you wanted as well of course.

Mike Cardwell
( (

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