Rob McEwen wrote:

>>> A word of caution.  Be very careful how you use the list.
>> OK. I was wrong. Due to this discussion, I'm convinced that MD5 of the
>> whole (lower case!) e-mail address is best, with the entire e-mail
>> address still showing up in plain text in the DNS txt record.
>> But I have some questions:
>> (1) is MD5 of the entire address reasonably safe from collisions.
>> (consider the 'birthday paradox' before being too quick to answer)
>Yes. The chance of a collision is ridiculously small. Not worth worrying

The chance of a collision really is much smaller than I thought, even including 
the birthday paradox.  But rather than just say it's small and ask you to take 
my word for it I'm providing a link.  The Wikipedia page for Birthday Attack 
has a chart that shows the probability of collision for hashes of various 

  Jeff Moss

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