On Sat, 6 Jun 2009, Karsten Br?ckelmann wrote:

This is a third-party plugin, deliberately installed by you.

  Actually, it was most likely installed with the SA upgrade because I've
not made any modifications or tuning to the system. I figure that those who
set up defaults know much more than do I, so I leave things until there's a
reason for change.

With any custom rule-set, it's definitely the admins duty to score it
appropriately, and to tune to their specific mail stream. After all, you
already "tuned" SA by installing the rule-set in the first place.

  It must have been the Slackware build/installation script that included it
because adding such a plug-in would not have occurred to me. Regardless, I
will decrease the score by 80%.



Richard B. Shepard, Ph.D.               |  Integrity            Credibility
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