On Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 18:07, Res<r...@ausics.net> wrote:
> On Tue, 23 Jun 2009, mouss wrote:
>> payment were only needed for spam, not for "dul"....
> not really :) despite what their site said/says.. its kind of a detterent i
> think sunno we never paid

I think it's fair to hold/criticize/ridicule them to/for their public
statement of de-listing policy.  Even more so if they don't enforce it

I know there are sites that haven't pursued it (for incidental events,
I'm not talking about spammers), or haven't used/supported them,
because of what their public de-listing policy says.  So, whether they
enforce it reliably or not, the effect can be the same. (don't tell me
"they should have just emailed them!" -- bs.  It's not the burden of
every person on the planet to second guess whether or not their
official policy is their _actual_ policy, but it IS SORBS burden to
live with the PR type implications of the policy they publish)

In general, I'm sad to see anti-spam resources go, sad to see
alternative strategies fail, and see the population of people trying
to solve the problem diminish.  But, I'm not going to be too sad to
see this particular one go away.

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