> Matus UHLAR - fantomas wrote:
> >> > On Wed, June 24, 2009 13:59, Per Jessen wrote:
> >>
> >> 3) I wouldn't refer to rfc-ignorant as a blacklist - nobody with half
> >> a brain would block email just because of RFC ignorance on the part
> >> of the sender.
> > 
> > Why not? I do that and intentionally - I don't like receiving spam
> > from companies that don't accept complaints...

On 25.06.09 11:42, Per Jessen wrote:
> Why not?? - because you thereby block thousands of perfectly legitimate

perfectly incompetent?

> and non-spamming companies and individuals who happen to have a
> mail-admin who is a bit slow.

I wouldn't call not having abuse contact for years "a bit slow" especially
for cases I warned the admin.

> Using rfc-ignorant for scoring is fine, but not for blocking.

I have a policy of requiring postmaster abuse contact, so refusing ignorants
it fine. They still can fix their behavior.

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uh...@fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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