I've heard that they are diligent about terminating abusive clients.
Are you reporting these spams to them?


On Fri, Jul 3, 2009 at 09:55, Mike
Cardwell<spamassassin-us...@lists.grepular.com> wrote:
> rich...@buzzhost.co.uk wrote:
>> I'm probably missing something here - but Constant Contact (who we block
>> by IP) have been a nagging source of spam for us. I'm just wondering why
>> 25_uribl.cf has this line in it:
>> # Don't bother looking for example domains as per RFC 2606.
>> uridnsbl_skip_domain example.com example.net example.org
>> ......
>> uridnsbl_skip_domain constantcontact.com corporate-ir.net cox.net cs.com
>> Is this a uri that is really suitable for white listing ?
> A set of perl modules has been uploaded to cpan today for talking to the
> ConstantContact API:
> http://search.cpan.org/~arich/Email-ConstantContact-0.02/lib/Email/ConstantContact.pm
> I just thought it was a weird coincidence, seeing as I'd never heared of
> them before today.
> --
> Mike Cardwell - IT Consultant and LAMP developer
> Cardwell IT Ltd. (UK Reg'd Company #06920226) http://cardwellit.com/

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