On Fri, 2009-07-03 at 12:06 +0200, Yet Another Ninja wrote:
> On 7/3/2009 11:14 AM, rich...@buzzhost.co.uk wrote:
> > On Fri, 2009-07-03 at 10:06 +0100, Justin Mason wrote:
> >> I've heard that they are diligent about terminating abusive clients.
> >> Are you reporting these spams to them?
> >>
> > Yes - but you would thing a log full of 550's may be a clue.
> > 
> > What concerns me is SpamAssassin effectively white listing spammers.
> > White listing should be a user option - not something added in a
> > nefarious manner. At least it is clear to see with Spamassassin which is
> > a plus - but I cannot pretend that I am not disappointed to find a
> > whitelisted 'spammer net' in the core rules. I'm wondering why (other
> > than MONEY) it would have ended up in there?
> this has a historical reasons and its not about "whitelisting spammers"
> Many moons ago, when SA started doing URI lookup with the SpamcopURI 
> plugin, there was only one URI BL: SURBL and to spare it from 
> unnecessary queries, the skip list was implemented avoid the extar load 
> and a number of ESPs which back then were considered to never send 
> UBE/UCE were added.
> Times have changed and there's option regarding URI lookups, in public 
> and private BLs. Also, URI Bls can handle way more traffic than they 
> could 6 or 7 years back.
> There have been numerous requests to get some of these skip entries 
> removed but non was honoured.
> The bottom line is that its trivial and cheaper to write a static URI 
> rule to tag a URL (if you really need to) and which doesn't affect the 
> globe, than hammering the BLs with zillion of extra queries.
> SA is conservative and caters to a VERY wide user base, with VERY 
> different understanding what is UBE/UCE so while everyone saves reources 
> on useless queries, you still havea  way to score constantcontact with 
> 100 if its your choice.
> axb
Should that be Hi$torical Rea$ons ? ;-) There is no current excuse and
this kind of alleged legacy rubbish needs to be pulled out.

As it stands the is simply white listing a bulker. A spam filter that
white lists a spammer - how bizarre ! I'm cynical. The only logical
reason I can see for anything of this nature is money changing hands.

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