Let me see if I follow you correctly there . . . you are administrator of an 
email server, but you do not like to read and write email?

Also, I am not a lawyer, but I think I read something somewhere a while ago 
that there is some intellectual property rights ownership associated with 
'spamassassin' in some context somewhere, did you inquire about that before 
choosing your new domain name?  I could be wrong, and I have no idea who the 
owner of such rights might be.

>>> snowweb <pe...@snowweb.co.uk> 07/28/09 10:31 AM >>>

OK! Thanks guys for all your inputs, regardless off which side of the
discussion you're leaning towards. I read and considered all your pro's and
con's carefully. I'm not trying to pry anyone away from your list (and I'm
sure I won't). I'm just trying to reach out to those who don't want to be a
part of an email list. My personal calculation mixed with intuition,
indicate to me that this is huge number of spamassassin users.

I think my biggest problem will be to provide the hardware resources to
maintain the performance of a dedicated forum for a piece of software as
popular as Spamassassin.

I have now registered  http://www.spamassassin-forum.com 
spamassassin-forum.com   and I will make sure that the first sticky thread
on the forum to be, contains a link to your list, so that our users are free
to choose. I'm not doing this to compete but to complement. I hope you

Thank you all for your input. You're all class guys here :)

Peter Snow

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