On Wed, 29 Jul 2009, RW wrote:

Why?  Thats a dangerous recommendation, the number of times googles
mail servers get periodically blocked is funny.

I've been using gmail for about six months, and it's not happened to
me. OTOH gmail publishes SPF records, so it would be unwise to use ISP
servers for their addresses.

I've had numerous complaints, my response is "tuff" i dont control gmail users, gmail wishes to obscure the offenders real ip so i cnat even contact the lamers ISP, so to hell woith it, the gmail mail will flow again once the rbl in question releases it.

Yes, some ISPs deny connections to port 25, but that's why there's
'submission' service on port 587 where authentication should be
required so any problem with sending spam directly to recipients is

This is popular in *some* countries, dont assume its a universal
thing, because it aint.

This doesn't make sense, when ISPs block outgoing port 25  you can use
port 587 or 465 to connect to the server of your choice, it doesn't

wrong again, this assumes the ISP enables submission, we dont, i've tested a few very large isp's here and they dont either, so again do not assume.


-Beware of programmers who carry screwdrivers

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