On Thu, 2009-07-30 at 23:55 -0700, poifgh wrote:
> Hi
> I was measuring how quickly could SA [spam assassin] process spams when
> several SA processes are run in parallel over separate mbox files. I used a
> 8 core machine. Below are the numbers when I forked different number of
> processes.
> Fork = 8;
> Rate = 57 msgs/sec
> Fork = 4;
> Rate = 44 msgs/sec
> Fork = 1;
> Rate = 22 msgs/sec
> I ran freshly build SA with Bayes and DNSBL turned off. Why am I not seeing
> a linear increase in the throughput? Is a file locking creating the
> bottleneck? If yes, which particular file is being locked? If no, what could
> be the reason for this?
> thnx
Wow! That's a real flying machine!

Imagine what Barracuda Networks could do with that if they did not fill
their gay little boxes with hardware rubbish from the floors of MSI and
supermicro. Jesus, try and process that many messages with a $30,000
Barracuda and watch support bitch 'You are fully scanning to much mail
and making our rubbish hardware wet the bed.....' LOL.

Well done you!

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