Henrik K wrote:

> On Sat, Aug 01, 2009 at 12:04:08AM -0700, Linda Walsh wrote:
>> Well -- it's not just the cores -- what was the usage of the cores
>> that
>> were being used?  were 3 out the 8 'pegged'?  Are these 'real' cores,
>> or
>> HT cores?  In the Core2 and P4 archs, HT's actually slowed down a
>> good many workloads unless they were tightly constructed to work on
>> the same
>> data in cache.  Else, those HT's did just enough extra work to block
>> cache contents more than anything else.
> I really doubt there's HT involved in a recent looking 8 core 16GB
> machine..

Why not?  I have a couple of brandnew Intel Core i7 (Nehalem) systems
with 8Gb RAM - they have 1 physical CPU with 4 cores and HT =
8 "cores".  And they've got room for more RAM :-)

/Per Jessen, Zürich

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