> In my tests - there was not MTA. The mails/spam were collected from
> some server in mbox format and fed to SA using --mbox switch. The
> size of msgs was not altered in any fashion - just the usual size of
> incoming spam/mails

If you're interested in testing/tuning spamassassin for heavy loads you
should consider using spamd daemon. Then you may use SLAMD [1] as
performance evaluation platform [2].

It takes some effort to set up the environment, but SLAMD helps in
repetitive testing and keeping track of the results (comparison,
history, charts).

[1] http://www.slamd.com
[2] https://issues.apache.org/SpamAssassin/show_bug.cgi?id=5689

Pawel Sasin

"WIRTUALNA POLSKA" Spolka Akcyjna z siedziba w Gdansku przy ul.
Traugutta 115 C, wpisana do Krajowego Rejestru Sadowego - Rejestru
Przedsiebiorcow prowadzonego przez Sad Rejonowy Gdansk - Polnoc w
Gdansku pod numerem KRS 0000068548, o kapitale zakladowym
67.980.024,00  zlotych oplaconym w calosci oraz Numerze Identyfikacji
Podatkowej 957-07-51-216.

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