I have an entry in a what I call "my-whitelist.cf"
in /etc/mail/spamassassin:

whitelist_from_rcvd blackwell_...@yahoo.com yahoo.com

If I run a message from this person with spamassassin -D -t msg
shouldn't I get a hit on USER_IN_WHITELIST or not?

Also, I'm still not sure I have my trusted_networks setting correct. I
have this in my local.cf:

trusted_networks 192.168/16 71.54.96/19

Here is a line of Received: from headers from a test mail to myself:

Received: from [] and one from someone else using embarq
Received: from []

If I read the below correct this is a listing of all CIDRs in the embarq
AS range:


should all of these be listed in the trusted_networks entry or do I
misunderstand the concept still?


KeyID 0xE372A7DA98E6705C

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: This is a digitally signed message part

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