Dear Sirs 

 A few moments ago I noticed that SA was not assigned any score for SPAM 
emails, reviewing the log I see this: 

@400000004aba627c21bee88c [25630] info: spamd: got connection over 
@400000004aba627c21dbc344 [10362] info: prefork: child states: 
@400000004aba627c21de4f9c [10362] info: prefork: server reached --max-children 
setting, consider raising it
@400000004aba627c21f6a9fc [29083] info: spamd: got connection over 
@400000004aba627c22137ce4 [10362] info: prefork: child states: 
@400000004aba627c23420234 [25630] info: spamd: processing message 
<> for
@400000004aba627c235e293c [10362] info: prefork: server reached --max-children 
setting, consider raising it
@400000004aba627c26639554 [29083] info: spamd: processing message 
<> for
@400000004aba62832e01e694 [10362] info: prefork: child states: 
@400000004aba62832e01ee64 [10362] info: prefork: server reached --max-children 
setting, consider raising it
tail: `/var/log/qmail/spamd/current' has been replaced;  following end of new 


Cpu(s): 89.2% us,  9.8% sy,  0.0% ni,  0.0% id,  0.0% wa,  1.0% hi,  0.0% si


             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:           501        319        181          0         22         78
-/+ buffers/cache:        218        282
Swap:         1027         38        988

 13:02:27 up 35 days, 21:49,  4 users,  load average: 21.76, 21.17, 17.37

 Was solved by restarting SA

This is due to lack of server resources?


Jose Luis

> From:
> To:
> Subject: RE: Problems with high spam
> Date: Wed, 23 Sep 2009 10:27:38 -0700
> > but it could be nice that sare rules was checked in the mass 
> > check for 3.3.x to get the best rules out in new rule sets
> > 
> > or would some other try this ?
> > 
> > --
> > xpoint
> Benny!
> excellent idea in general...
> will those in authority in SA team please act upon this and tell us in some
> positive way what appears to be best to keep out of SARE and what is not...
> much of the time it seems like we are double dipping with some rules and
> something needs to change...
> i realize it can be different from site to site yet maybe if we had some
> extra info we could all make better decisions eh???
> :-)
>  - rh
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