On Tue, 27 Oct 2009 23:09:10 -0400
Alex <mysqlstud...@gmail.com> wrote:

> In either case, is there a way to exclude mails with USER_IN_WHITELIST
> altogether? I have my ham level set at -0.3, but the USER_IN_WHITELIST
> (and there are quite a few) adds -100.0, automatically making it ham.
> I'm concerned that a spoofed mail passing through the whitelist could
> skew the db without my knowledge and without my ability to control it.

Whitelisting rules are marked noautolearn, so they have no affect on
the score used to decide autolearning. 

The overall score acts as a sanity check, so it's unlikely that
whitelisted mail will be autolearned as spam, but it wont automatically
be learned as ham either.

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