On Tue, 2009-11-10 at 11:45 -0500, Alex wrote:
> >> imho Ralf have never being banned in maillist here, if you dont like
> >> his answers just unsubscribe
> >>
> > Trotting out useless, pointless, tardy, curt, terse replies benefit
> > nobody at all and makes the poster look arrogant especially when the
> > answer is mere opinion.
> I sometimes welcome the terse replies; it illicit's clarification from
> the OP. I hardly think Ralf is interested in wasting his time playing
> games on this mailing list. Even if it were true, I think Ralf has
> also earned the ability to be a bit arrogant.
> Regards,
> Alex

I don't think that being plain bloody rude is playing games, and it's
surprisingly common output - not just from Ralf, but from that Postfix
set who seem to place some extreme value on their self importance.

Alex, you hold Ralf in high regard and that is noble. There are many
people I hold in high regard, but I base it on a process of merit,
pivotal to which is how they treat 'little' people asking perfectly
polite questions. In my eyes it is perfectly acceptable to challenging
people who seem to have lost their place in reality, when they treat
people in such a negative way.

The terse answer given was nothing more than opinion. There are clearly
occasions when accepting mail for <anyone>@domain is a perfectly
legitimate thing to do, provided, of course you don't bounce it after
accepting it.

Rather than let this drift into a hijacked free-for-all perhaps one of
the guru's of REGEX here would actually like to answer the OP's
question. This is a human being asking for help. I don't know the answer
myself or I would. I'm guessing that escaping the pipe \| does not work?

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