Sahil Tandon wrote:
On Fri, 11 Dec 2009, Marc Perkel wrote:

Been using for several months now and it seems like a
really good white list. Anyone else using it?

Not here.  They charge a $20.00 administrative fee per registered
domain, purportedly to prevent "domain tasters".  This is odd, given
their own criticism of other fee-charging white listing services:

"The business model behind other whitelisting services pushes e-mail into
a "paid" model. Senders pay to be included in the lists mentioned above.
Of course, commercial providers have an incentive to enforce their
policies (otherwise people would stop using them), but only potentially
"bad" senders have an incentive to make use of such paid services. But
for the typical receiver (ie you) they do not help to reduce the risk of
losing mail for the majority of e-mail senders (eg customers and
partners). It would be counter-intuitive to require all senders to pay
one of the third parties just to let email through."

Sahil Tandon <>


My comment wasn't about their policies. I'm just saying that as a list user, which is free, it works well. Quite frankly I think the $20 charge to get rid of tasters might be effective.

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