On 12/16/2009 08:59 AM, Kevin A. McGrail wrote:
It was a good catch that RNBL replaced SSBL but I don't see this as a
3.3.0 P1 issue. Same thing with HABEAS/BSP. Can't these be handled in
normal course with GA and then sa-update? I worry we are hurrying these
too much.

I rather use this opportunity to make a clean break to get rid of legacy. The change seems to be clear enough, and I am testing the heck out of this to be sure.

This is a reminder of the goal to cut another pre-release December
17th either named beta2 or rc1 depending on the above conditions. It
is not a big deal if we need to delay the cut to the proposed deadline
of December 23rd.

I think a beta2 would be more appropriate. I think rc1 would be after we
have all the known P1 bugs closed off.

If someone can figure out Bug #6228 then all P1's will be closed by Dec 17th. Even without that bug fixed however, I agree with Mark Marintec that this next release should be called rc1. This is PRETTY CLOSE to what people will be using, and some wont try it if it is called beta. Numbers are cheap. We use this as a 'wake up and test it, this is your last chance!' get the flurry of bugs and polish it up for January or February release.

Warren Togami

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