On 19/01/2010 10:07, mamalos wrote:

I just pasted that email into spamalyser.com and it gave this:

The subject looks fully capitalised to me when decoded? I'm not overly
proficient on my Greek though.

Mike Cardwell    : UK based IT Consultant, LAMP developer, Linux admin
Cardwell IT Ltd. : UK Company - http://cardwellit.com/       #06920226
Technical Blog   : Tech Blog  - https://secure.grepular.com/blog/
Spamalyser       : Spam Tool  - http://spamalyser.com/

 From the link you sent me (spamalizer), the subject is all in lower case
except from the word "TEST" which is written in english.

Then I don't know the Greek alphabet. The relevant subroutine from SpamAssassin::Plugin::HeaderEval is below:

sub subject_is_all_caps {
   my ($self, $pms) = @_;
   my $subject = $pms->get('Subject');

   $subject =~ s/^\s+//;
   $subject =~ s/\s+$//;
   return 0 if $subject !~ /\s/;        # don't match one word subjects
   return 0 if (length $subject < 10);  # don't match short subjects
   $subject =~ s/[^a-zA-Z]//g;          # only look at letters

   # now, check to see if the subject is encoded using a non-ASCII charset.
# If so, punt on this test to avoid FPs. We just list the known charsets
   # this test will FP on, here.
   my $subjraw = $pms->get('Subject:raw');
my $CLTFAC = Mail::SpamAssassin::Constants::CHARSETS_LIKELY_TO_FP_AS_CAPS;
   if ($subjraw =~ /=\?${CLTFAC}\?/i) {
     return 0;

   return length($subject) && ($subject eq uc($subject));

I guess another exception needs adding?

Mike Cardwell    : UK based IT Consultant, LAMP developer, Linux admin
Cardwell IT Ltd. : UK Company - http://cardwellit.com/       #06920226
Technical Blog   : Tech Blog  - https://secure.grepular.com/blog/
Spamalyser       : Spam Tool  - http://spamalyser.com/

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