On 1/19/10 9:19 AM, "Robert Ober" <ro...@robob.com> wrote:

> Daniel McDonald wrote:
>> On 1/19/10 9:02 AM, "Robert Ober"<ro...@robob.com>  wrote:
>>> Well,  I have googled it and read lot's of stuff and the problem
>>> persists.  I have a server on CentOS 5.3 with spamassassin-3.2.5-1.el5
>>> from that distribution.  They have no newer according to yum.  The
>>> local.cf fix did not change anything after restarting spamassassin.
>> Have you compiled rules in the past?  If so, you will need to re-compile
>> your rules before restarting spamd.
> Have not compiled rules that I can remember.  Can you point me to a doc?
man sa-compile

To see if you have compiled rules, look for /var/lib/spamassassin/compiled

>> Sorry to come into the middle of the conversation, but a few more details of
>> what you have done would be helpful...
> I have only entered "score FH-DATE-PAST-20XX 0.0" into the local.cf and

Shouldn't those dashes be underscores?

> restarted spamassassin.

Daniel J McDonald, CCIE # 2495, CISSP # 78281

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