Am 22.01.2010 21:40, schrieb Alex:
> Hi,
>> if you do not use MySQL for bayes, migrate.
> How do you determine whether the administrative overhead (downtime for
> maintenance, etc) is necessary or a simple periodic rsync would do the
> trick?
> How long can the bayes databases be out of sync before it becomes a
> problem? I suppose that question can't really be answered other than
> "the sooner, the better", but is the info really changing that
> frequently than syncing more than, say, every hour would be a problem?
> Mariusz Kruk wrote:
>> bayes_file_mode 0666
> That's a really bad idea. At least put your users in a group so it's
> not world-writable, but I would also think there's some suid program
> you could use in place (although they have problems of their own)?
> Thanks,
> Alex
hmmmm .... "mysqlstudent" asks if its necessary to move to MySQL ;-)

I personally prefer using a database instead of mounting filesystems via
NFS or rsyncing files. for me it is less effort

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