This is a problem a lot of people face, some for more legitimate reasons
than others. I have an account, from when they were smaller
and Sky Dayton still ran the show - actually from not long after he
founded the company. Over the years people forged the Earthlink address.
Earthlink worked hard to minimize spam while allowing their customers to
roam. One trick was to limit the spam that could get sent by limiting
the number of messages per unit time that could be sent without added
smtp processing time delays. Then when Outlook Express grew smtp auth
capabilities they moved to that. I still get blocked at some zero tolerance

Appearances here are that hinet "we are the telephone company, we answer
to nobody" doesn't give a tinker's damn. You're stuck unless you can do
something to cause hinet to change its attitudes about spam. If some
poor souls suffer because of their IP address neighbors or prior lease
holders I can't do anything about it.

(Actually, I can. Relays through this list are completely unfiltered by
me, which seemed quite logical in the early days when samples were sent
to the list. And relays through some other lists get their scores
"expanded" around Bayes 80. Below that I reduce score. Above that I add
to score. I've seen remarkably little email I should have seen that got
marked as spam these days as a result. It's just some creative meta rule
making custom to my usage of the net that I performed. It's not Taiwan
colored skin, son. It's hinet colored bits. Even yankees in Taiwan using
hinet get dinged.)

{^_^}   When the rubber meets the solid road appeals to political
       correctness weigh naught to me. Even if it's not politically
       correct for the road to be hard I still hurt my hand if I try
       to hit it too hard.
----- Original Message ----- From: <>
Sent: Wednesday, 2010/January/27 17:34

Long ago, I tried mailing directly direct-to-mx style, but that of
course didn't work, e.g.,
So only 5% of my mail got through.

So then I tried mailing through The ISP Here, Hinet.Net's SMTP server,
but of course Hinet.Net has a bad name. So only 50% of my mail got through.

So, upon people like you guy's recommendation, I (asked my mom to buy)
me a account.

However I can't shake off the Original Sin of Being in Taiwan. All
people with Taiwan Colored Skin will have points deducted, no matter
what. We use the Telephone Company's ISP.

"J" == Jailer-Daemon  <> writes:
J> On Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 11:30:28AM -0500, <> wrote:

He's using an SMTP relay

J> He is, but it isn't a Hinet relay. At least not in the URL he gave.
J> It should be possible to relay out from your own ISP and not score
J> anything on SARE rules, without having to pay extra for "clean" SMTP
J> relaying (which is what seems to be happening here).

Now you guys are saying I should go back to using Hinet.Net's SMTP, even
though my mom has already paid a 5 year contract for me at Dreamhost.

The rule is buggy -- it's looking at all the
received headers, even the ones before the relay.

Yes, and what may seem like a mere 1.6 points is causing me to have to
request the whole spam threshold of that mailing list be
lowered just for me, just because my mail is being tagged with a stupid
looking "mail Made in Taiwan, penalty 1.666 points" that I can't do
anything about, thanks to you guys and no one else.

Also, I wonder why lots of my mail doesn't seem to get through to
people... and no, I don't want to bother them with various test
messages. Perhaps it is all again due to your sloppy rules?

Actually, I could figure out some underhanded methods to get around
being detected as living in a Undesirable Country, but if ever detected,
I would surely get penalized even more points.

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