On 2/1/10 9:59 AM, "Jason Bertoch" <ja...@i6ix.com> wrote:

> On 2/1/2010 10:58 AM, RW wrote:
>> On Mon, 1 Feb 2010 16:30:04 +0100
>> Mark Martinec <mark.martinec...@ijs.si> wrote:
>>>>> Update returned sought rules 1/31/2010.
>>>> Actually back since Jan 6. :)  Re-viewed about 1k fraud spam the
>>>> following days, for the Sought Fraud sub-set.
>>> Btw, the three rules JM_SOUGHT_FRAUD_{1,2,3} have a score of zero
>>> as per Justin's request (Bug 6155 c 38, c72, c89, c124).
>>> Not sure if people using the channel realize that scores
>>> need to be bumped up.
>> That doesn't seem to be correct:
>> $ grep score 20_sought_fraud.cf
>> score JM_SOUGHT_FRAUD_1  3.0
>> score JM_SOUGHT_FRAUD_2  3.0
>> score JM_SOUGHT_FRAUD_3  3.0
>> $ ls -l 20_sought_fraud.cf
>> -rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  80120  1 Feb 15:38 20_sought_fraud.cf
> updates_spamassassin_org/50_scores.cf overrides the scores in the sought
> ruleset.

Ah, I didn't catch that.  But it is only in the 3.3.0 channel.  Fixing my
3.3.0 test machines now....

Daniel J McDonald, CCIE # 2495, CISSP # 78281

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