Kai Schaetzl wrote:

Assess that and you find it doesn't make sense to spam-scan messages and reject them in/after DATA stage in a real world scenario.

I hesitate to jump onto this "firing range", but Kai has always seemed 

We have very "real world" experience doing this sort of thing and I disagree with Kai's statement for incoming email. FWIW, I DO agree for outgoing email while talking with a user's mail client (or the spammer's malware client running on a user's PC)

But for incoming email, although I sincerely wish we could reject spam before/in the DATA stage all the time, SpamAssassin is not perfect. AND we offer Block and Pass lists to our users and they make mistakes too. PLUS, there is absolutely no accounting for taste and we have some users that WANT their Lotto Pick Newsletter in spite of the stratospheric scores.

So even if we can decide an email is spam before the DATA stage, it makes no difference since we have to store the thing for a while anyway in case the user wants to look for something caught that shouldn't be.


Andy Dorman
Ironic Design, Inc.
AnteSpam.com, HomeFreeMail.com, ComeHome.net

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