On 2010/05/25 10:48 AM, Karsten Bräckelmann wrote:
On Mon, 2010-05-24 at 09:27 -0400, Jason Bertoch wrote:
A user reported the following FN [...]

It is not a FN. It isn't even a proper message.

That's some headers, plus a screen-scraped, rendered version of the
message, including the most common headers displayed to the user.

Without a RAW sample, there isn't much we could do. And no, the results
posted by some helpful folks are irrelevant, cause they fed SA that non-

Wow, Karsten, you've been fiery lately, both here and the Clam list! The message posted to pastebin was the best I could manage based on how it came to me. The fact that it isn't a raw message is irrelevant to my initial question; it was posted for reference only. I'm more concerned with language detection, or the lack of it, really.

I wrote to the list hoping to find information on which rules I should expect to fire based on the configuration lines I referenced in the original question, and to ask about the normalize_charset setting. If rules should be firing, but aren't, I know I need to look deeper for an issue on my end. On the other hand, if the language rules are broken/outdated or can be avoided with a crafted message, that's also handy information.



Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

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