This weekend I just setup a mailserver running:

FreeBSD 7.3-RELEASE   generic kernel

then cvsupped the current ports and make installed
on our software.  I'm having no problems at all.
I'll send you more info off list.

This was a clean install.  In other words, I FTP'ed the configs and
mail files and home dir contents to another server, then WIPED this with
the FBSD 7.3 install disk, and then threw on RELEASE, then cvsupped ports, then remade all the utils.

I've never trusted the "in-situ" upgrade procedure, way too much
chance of stale libraries and such lying around and causing problems.
SA is so dependent on Perl and Perl modules, and the Perl modules
have so many dependencies, it could be virtually anything that could
muck up an upgrade like this.


On 6/2/2010 11:25 AM, wrote:

as per the subject Im having severe problems, any help much appreciated.
My installation:

FreeBSD 8.0-p2
Exim 4.71
SpamAssassin 3.3.1
Perl 5.10.1

All packages have been installed from source via FreeBSD ports.

The problem:
Two main issues really
1) Ever since this server was built (as a replacement for another
Exim/FreeBSD mail server) I have been seeing in the main messages file
and the spamassassin log that several spamassassin are dying per hour
with "signal 11".
2) I am seeing spamassassin perl processes that run for a very long time
(like an hour) at 100% CPU which is killing the server (in terms of

Today I have upgraded from perl 5.8.9 and reinstalled everything mail
related, Exim, SpamAssassin and all associated perl modules. I have the
same issues now as before. I don´t know what to do next. Its also
noteworthy that I have a FreeBSD 7.0 machine running the same
spamassassin version without any of these problems. I installed both of
these systems, I havent knowingly done anything different.

What can I do? Thanks for any suggestions....


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