
What can I do? Thanks for any suggestions....

This is what I do when I get performance issues, and long-running processes:

1) check for memory issues such as not enough "low" memory using "free -l" and monitor the machine with top and vmstat for a while to get a general feeling of what is actually eating up ressources.

2) check for network issues such as:
- badly configured iptables or selinux or whatever security "feature" that actually prevents the normal operations through sockets
- DNS response times and general connectivity to RBLs

3) try to reproduce manually:

- are you using spamd and a spamc client, or running spamassassin as command line on every mail ?

Excerpt from my .procmailrc

# Pipe the mail through spamassassin (replace 'spamassassin' with 'spamc'
# if you use the spamc/spamd combination)
# The lock file ensures that only 1 spamassassin invocation happens
# at 1 time, to keep the load down.

:0fw: spamassassin.lock
| spamc -f -s 900000
#| /usr/local/bin/spamassassin

- save any email locally say in mymail.txt and run it again using:
spamassassin -D -t < mymail.txt
and get a general feel about the speed, hangs, etc, then run it again and save the output for further debugging, read it slowly.

PS: agreed at "you might have picked up another title". As for GFI I guess
this is it: http://www.gfi.com/mes/


... I've seen Sun monitors on fire off the side of the multimedia lab.
I've seen NTU lights glitter in the dark near the Mail Gate.
All these things will be lost in time, like the root partition last

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