On Sat, 2010-09-04 at 14:33 -0700, John Hardin wrote:
> On Sat, 4 Sep 2010, Chris wrote:
> > I'm trying to figure out why I'm having ridiculous scan times such as
> > the above examples. Lower scan times such as in the 20 second range are
> > the exception rather than the rule. I'm running bind as a local caching
> > nameserver and it seems to be working correctly. I've just seen a ham
> > that has a scantime=172.2. Could there be something else on the system
> > that is affecting this?
> >
> > Any advice as to troubleshooting would be appreciated.
> What version of SA, and are you current on updates (have you run sa-update 
> recently)?
> Would it be possible to post an example message that exhibits the problem?

Hi John, version is 3.3.0 and updates was last run at 5:11pm. Here is a
link to a spam that took 302s to process http://ez-files.net/445403

KeyID 0xE372A7DA98E6705C

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: This is a digitally signed message part

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