On Sun, 2010-09-05 at 12:54 -0700, John Hardin wrote:
> On Sun, 5 Sep 2010, Chris wrote:
> > On Sun, 2010-09-05 at 12:33 -0500, Len Conrad wrote:
> >>> Mem:    772880k total,   685316k used,    87564k free,    31344k buffers
> >>> Swap:  1076312k total,   249032k used,   827280k free,   156328k cached
> >>
> >> 250MB swapped, for less than 1 GB RAM, used is disastrous for an MTA.
> >>
> >> Increase RAM to 2GB, or until swap is always "0k used"
> >
> > It's just a single user home system. True, I probably do need to 
> > increase ram but I 'don't' think this has a bearing on this issue though 
> > I may be wrong.
> Your system is swapping. That kills performance, pretty much across the 
> board. Either buy more memory or accept the impact of an underprovisioned 
> machine on the performance of mail delivery.
> Do you really need your mail to be delivered _that_ promptly? If 
> interactive performance is acceptable then what does it matter if an email 
> (delivered in the background) takes 30 seconds or 300 seconds to be 
> stuffed into your inbox?

Thanks for the input John, I can accept 30 or 45 seconds of drive access
however when it comes to 300 I can't accept that. And you're absolutely
correct, the problem is my lack of memory I realize that now. 

> How many email users is this supporting? You might want to consider some 
> glue-level performance hacks - for example, if your box is supporting 
> email for your family members, and all delivery for that is local, then 
> you could configure your MTA to not pass locally-originated-and-destined 
> messages through clamav or SA at all.
Just one user, me, though I already have procmail setup to not pass mail
destined for mailing list through SA or ClamAv. I had SA set to check
message size less than 250k in my procmailrc I've dropped it to 50k and
will see what happens. I could probably drop some of the extra rulesets
I run also which would probably cut down on access until I can upgrade
my memory. I'm going to consider this thread closed then as being solved
with "upgrade to more memory". Many thanks to all who replied and
offered suggestions. And to the SA Team, keep up the great work!

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