On Mon, 2010-10-04 at 22:55 +0100, John Horne wrote:
> I grabbed a copy of the [DecodeShortURLs] plugin and tried it this afternoon 
> (on a
> CentOS 5.5 system). We log all our spamd messages to /var/log/maillog
> via syslog. For the plugin I disabled all the options except
> 'url_shortener_syslog' which was set to 1.
Just a data point for you.

I'm running DecodeShortURLs with the as-issued .cf file
(log,cache,syslog options commented out). It has found a couple of
shortened URLs too, but all its log messages have been sent
to /var/log/maillog. None were sent to /var/log/messages.


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