On 17/09/10 14:48, RW wrote:

I think it might be better to take the "blocked page" handling out of
the perl and turn it into an ordinary uri rule.

Yeah; really don't know why I did it like that in the first place.

I've just uploaded version 0.2 which does it this way instead and adds the following rule:

uri  URI_BITLY_BLOCKED  /^http:\/\/bit\.ly\/a\/warning/i
describe URI_BITLY_BLOCKED Message contains a bit.ly URL that has been disabled due to abuse

This new version also contains the following:

1) Improved the URI handling as I noticed it was checking some URIs that it shouldn't have been due to the URI embedding a shortener in a get variable.

2) Log file; if desired it will output the unix time, short url and decoded URL to a log file for further analysis.

3) Caching; if desired it will now cache URLs to a SQLite database for additional speed-up and to prevent DoS of the shortener services.


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