On Mon, 18 Oct 2010, Jeremy Van Rooyen wrote:

Thanks for your reply John,

I'm really new to Exim and Spamassassin, there is no procmail scripts and I
don't know how to glue SA onto Exim?

Can you help me with that?

I'm not an Exim guru, sorry.

When I look at the rejected emails in the rejected logs for Exim it looks
like this:

F From: <pharmacyl1fe.lo...@yahoo.com>
 Received-SPF: none
 X-SPF-Guess: neutral
 X-Spam-Score: 23.9 (+++++++++++++++++++++++)
 X-Spam-Report: Spam detection software........

So as far a I know, the tagging happens here, but I don't see anything in
the email though.

Did this email make it to the user's mailbox? If so, was the subject line altered, and are the X-Spam-* headers present? Note that you may have to explicitly ask the mail client to display all headers to see them. I doubt any mail client will display them by default - mail clients tend to hide useful information like this to avoid scaring nontechnical users.

If the message made it to the user's mailbox and the subject line was not altered, then look at the report_safe SA configuration option. Depending on how SA is glued onto your Exim, this may or may not help - Exim may be ignoring any changes SA makes to the message headers.

If the message made it to the user's mailbox, and the X-Spam-* headers are present, then the user's mail client needs to be told to look at them in order to flag the message as spam. How to do this is client-specific and is a matter for that client's support channels.

There is probably a way to tell Exim to deliver rejected messages to a per-user "spam inbox" folder rather than to their regular inbox. That's a question for the Exim list.

On Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 3:46 PM, John Hardin <jhar...@impsec.org> wrote:

On Mon, 18 Oct 2010, Jeremy Van Rooyen wrote:

 Hi all, I need help with my spamassasin configuration.

Setup is as follows: Ubuntu (OS), Exim4 (MTA), Spamassasin (Spam Filter).

When I look at my logs I can see messages been identified as spam, but it
does not get tagged on the email client side. I did look at some forums
I also made the necessary changes to my local.cf file, but have no luck.

Can Anybody assist me?

One more piece is needed: how is SA glued onto Exim? Procmail scripts? A
milter (or Exim's equivalent native API)?

Are _no_ SA-related X-Spam-* headers present in processed messages?

 John Hardin KA7OHZ                    http://www.impsec.org/~jhardin/
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